Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nothing to say but so much to say...

I have not posted in a long time due to many reasons. I have not known what to write about, nothing creative has popped into my head. I truly wonder if there is even room in my head for creativity right now. I have everything on my mind. From things to do before the baby gets here, to end of school year stuff, to wondering what exactly God has in store for me in the future to everything else in between!

I have not slept well in several days, due to well pregnancy, allergies that turned into a cold, dogs that are scared of a little rain (not that i blame them-one thunder strike and I'm in the bathroom with my "tornado gear"), a snoring husband that falls asleep with his computer on (grr) to just being up thinking about life and what is happening. I guess its a good thing I am running on no sleep these days, I sure wont have any in a few months with Baby H gets here. (Still not sure on a name-we will hopefully have one soon!)

I think my goal for the next few weeks/months until Baby H gets here is to try to take 10 min a day, for me. No matter if its an extra 10 min in the bath/shower, hiding in the closet away from TV's, dogs, husband, computers, iPhones and iPads, or taking a 10 min drive with out being on the phone just to try to sort out the drama, negativity, fears, worries, or concerns that are going on in my life right now.

I think the last 2-3 months have been the hardest I have been through in a long time. But one thing my momma always told me still rings true to me today. "You always think your problems are bad, until you look into someone elses bucket-of-problems and you realize just how lucky you are". I try to repeat that to myself every day. No matter how hard what I am going through is, I know someone out there has bigger problems and I need to keep going and not give up because I am strong enough to get through all of this and God is going to help me.

So turns out I did have something to blog about. I just didn't know it. Maybe it was not the most creative, funniest, inspirational or best written, but it was something. And that something was mine.

Time to smile and know its all going to be alright. One way or another dang-it!

1 comment:

  1. keep on keeping on sister! :) this blog is a great place to let all the crazy out of your head.. or at least for me writing about the crap in my head makes me feel better. or you can use it as a place to organize all the things you need to get done.

    and i will be home in a couple of weeks to help you get rid of some of the CRAZAY!!! i can't wait :) i promise you are going to hate me during the process but you will love me when i am done. scout's honor. :)
