Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just a Bangin and a Clangin

Hummm what to do, what to do......I have a set of these in our bedroom at the duplex.

They hang all the way to the ground to cover our sliding glass door to the back yard. I personally could do without this glass door and wish it was 2 nice windows. We already have a back door, why do we need another one??

My other issue with these blinds...I have one of these:

and one of these:

and they like to play at 4am in the vertical blinds. I really think that the dogs like the noises the blinds make. Ranger (the corgi) likes to sit and wag his tail in them so they move from side to side just a bangin' and a clangin' away.

I need to find something else to cover this sliding glass door with so that I am not awake every morning when they decide its time to play in the blinds. I really wish I could take the door out, put windows in and fill in the rest with a wall, but I don't want to spend that kind of money and I am sure the landlord doesn't either. Darn.

1 comment:

  1. i had curtains up there at one point and they worked really well except when rebel thought it would be fun to pull the inside set down. CRASH! but you could just hang one set of curtains (FYI canvas dropcloths make EXCELLENT curtains) and get rid of the bangy clangy blinds. i hate those things too.
